Wednesday, June 29, 2011

ADVENTURES ON LSD #2: The Journey, and The Shift

SO, I was jus' sitting there, going on and on and on about the Shift to James and he was all whoa whoa whoa DUDE WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE PRESHIFT YOU?!?!?! And, he was SUPER EXCITED cuz he knows that I can tell a really cool story on acid, and so it starts like this: Once, there was a little girl, and she was about five foot four n a half, and she set off on a Journey, on her journey she met lots of people, fairies, and pixies and narwahls. But, a little ways into her Journey, she was about almost two years into her Journey, she got messed up D: and started to hurt herself. And all of the new people she had met kept asking her what was wrong, all she knew was that she was unhappy. So, under the advice of her parents, she strayed off her path and went to see the GURU OF HELP, and she and the GURU talked for quite some time. And, she learned a lot, and did as the GURU told her to do, then, she started on her Journey again.And she was great and fine, and met more new people. Or, one person in particular. She met a boy. His name was Spencer. He was unlike any person she had ever met on her Journey. They became friends, and soon fell in love. They were happy as can be. For months they were the perfect couple, he was her first kiss, and she had never loved anyone as much as she loved him. BUT. Then, in the spring of the third year of her Journey, she fell back down. She was hurting herself again. She and Spencer broke up, but, we still in love, and still were very close. He helped her as much as he could, and during the summer, she was sitting down with him on his grandparents' porch and, he made her better :) They, got back together, and he came with her on her Journey, they went through more ups and downs. But, they loved each other more and more everyday. One day, they met a narwahl. Named Ann. The girl and Ann were very very close friends. The girl was starving herself though. And Spencer was more worried about her than ever before. Sometime in December they broke up again. An stayed broken up for a little while. And, she got better, she started eating and gained back enough weight and she was healthy :D And, in January they got back together! And stayed together, and yes, they were more and more in love, and he accompanied her on her Journey. Then, nearing the end of the fourth spring of her Journey, her narwahl friend betrayed her. She was starting to feel replaced by Ann in Spencer's heart, and she hung out with her best friend Paige more and noticed, how Paige treated her better than Ann did. After a fight, she decided that no, she didn't want to be friends with Ann anymore. After some more fighting, she removed Ann from her life entirely, BUT. Ann started calling her names, and not being nice to her at all. And, Ann kept asking Spencer why he didn't break up with her. Now, the little girl was not happy. So, she told Ann to stop. And, since Ann didn't stop. Rumors started to go around the towns she stayed in. Nasty rumors. Rumors that she was cheating on Spencer. They got into a few big fights over this and broke up. Then, while she was desperate to make amends.She talked to Spencer, and they talked for a long long time, and they made up. The girl went through a Shift, after not being friends with Ann. She was happier, stronger, more confident, and happy with her body. She didn't want to die, KNEW FOR SURE she was NOT going to start hurting herself, or starve herself. She was at peace, and still with Spencer. AND, falling more in love with him, every day. And, this girl, is Hayley Kathleen Moses. And she is still on her Journey, but, she has some peace of mind.  OMFG BEST STORY EVER! Did she did she like EVER FIGHT ANYONE like BAM! I punched you in the face bitch! type fighting?And I was all JAMES JAMES!!!! Dude. the girl is ME. And he was all.. WHOA. HOW COME I HAVENT MET THIS ANN CHICK!And I shrugged and went I dunno... HOLY FUCK NYAN CAT IS BACK FROM THE DEAD! The End(for now at least) 

Here's a song for the one who stole my heart :)

Hmmmyhmm. Tell me you want me to stay cuz heaven can wait :) i love that song! I'm thinking about my Shift. And the preShift me. Here, I'll put it in a list of songs if I can. PreShift: Because Of You- Nickelback, Gotta Be Somebody- Nickelback,Waiting- The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. Getting Better: Love Like Woe- The Ready Set, Your Guardian Angel- The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Shift:Young Forever- The Ready Set, On The Brightside- Never Shout Never! That's as best as I can describe it without it being a REALLY REALLY LONG SCARY STORY. OR... I KNOW! Get ready for more ADVENTURES ON LSD :)