Monday, May 7, 2012

Ridiculous Languages. And just people in general.

Ridiculous languages. German. Japanese. And, uhm, languages other than English. 

   See, the Germans say spangleferkel and knutschen and ja ja ja. The Japanese say hai! horahrareeechinzu! Or. . . Well, I don't know what they say. I just know that it's weird. And, er, stupid. 

Ridiculous people. People I know: Ann. People I don't know: Shewhomustnotbenamed. OKAY I do know shewhomustnotbenamed. But, I just pretend not to so I can just ignore her. NUFF SAID.

Ann. Ann stropped out of her house after she, and her parents got into a fight not so long ago. Alis and I figure she's going to come running home. She's eighteen. Okay yeah so what? She hasn't finished high school. So, uhm, she can't get a job really. My mom knows the head kitchenytypeguy at Merrill Gardens so I have a higher chance of being hired and making cashola. She's staying with Kecia and them and I highly doubt they are going to let her stay because, well, if she can't get a job she can't help for rent and groceries. Would you let someone stay with you if they wouldn't be able to pitch in and pay for junk? I would'nt. 

Shewhomustnotbenamed. Ugh. Nuff said.