Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hmmm. I haven't posted in a while, so I figure I'll let Josh know what's up.

SO I don't exactly really want to go to the engagement party. I just don't. I have a final to work on and I won't know many of the people there. Maddi, Aimee and I constructed a plan. I will go, BUT I will have headphones and music on me to ignore them all if I get stuck in a corner by myself. In a sorta fuck-you-all-you're-lame thing. Because, I'd rather rock out to music than pretend to not care about standing around in a group of people at the zoo by myself. Just figured I'd let you know what's up Josh. If you have any advice on this email me!!!! 

Oh yeah, it's on saturday, and I haven't asked my mom yet.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

I Hate Cyclists!

Well, I don't like exactly hate them, I just kinda, yknow, get annoyed with them.

Anyway, I Hate Cyclists is actually a song, made in six minutes by my friend Stephen Pillola. And every sound you hear in the song, is from the sound his voice makes through a box fan. Yeah. It's that intense.

Monday, May 21, 2012

I never want to sleep ever again.

Have you ever had a dream so scary that you never wanted to sleep ever again?

I have. Just last night. And a few times before.

I'll start with the dream I had before last night's dream. So, in my dream, I was a paranormal investigator. Along with an older librarian, and some Brit guy. And, we were looking for ghosts in some really reaaaaalllly really old house. Now, I was on some stairs, and then, the Brit guy got possessed and was beating the living unicycles out of the librarian. And then me. I woke up, and hid under my blankets. And refused to even look at the clock. Or have my feet hanging out from my bed.  I was terrified. 

So... This next one... From last night... I actually kind of don't want to talk about it. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Relaxation time.

I'm not entirely too sure what to write today, so I just decided about two seconds ago to compile a list of lists. Here goes! 

1.) Tall guys.
2.) Friends who I can talk to about private type stuff (sex, etc.) and who won't get weirded out and go "Enough now." When I'm all like, dude, I want to talk about this to you 'cause I trust you. 
3.) Guys who have dark brown hair, that's medium long, wavy-ish at the top, a cow-lick bit at the back, and copper highlights (okay so what I'm being picky but I rate guys from 1 to Spencer okay? Nuff said.)
4.) Homemade apple sauce, that's fresh and warm and totally awesome because it was made from real apples about ten minutes ago.
5.) Cheesecake. With cherries drizzled over it. 
6.) Books, good books. 
7.) Laying around in the sun in shorts and a tank top, reading and being totally chill and peaceful.
8.) Anything I consider to be legit. Such as: cake mix cookies, good friends, chocolate chips cookies, going to the library and enjoying the peace and quiet, etc etc.
9.) Getting nice compliments, not the general "you're sexy" from random guys but ones like what Mom said yesterday, "Thanks for helping out today, it was nice working in the kitchen with you." 

Body Comfortability*:
*I.E. would you feel totally comfortable in a bikini when he's around?
Secrets (as in, can you  tell him absolutely anything and everything?): 
Uhm.... I forgot the rest, Aimee and I made it up a while back, and it's in my last diary somewhere. 

   In order of closeness
GIRLS:                                                       GUYS:
1.) Paige                                                                                         1.) Spencer
2.) Aimee                                                                                         2.) James? Ish.
3.) Maddi & Mariah                                                                  3.) Mike. Well, not really he gets 
4.)Alisa, my sis                                                                                  the whole epilepsy thing.
5.) Hmm... That's it.                                             

WELL, I'm kind of bored of lists and want to make a collection of trolls on photoshop and download stuff from youtube. So, 

Monday, May 14, 2012

Doing junk.... Hahaha not.

So, I started this, about thirty minutes ago. And, it's been open for thirty minutes just blank. No writing so, now there's writing. Because, there's that little to do. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

And The Spoon Jumped Over The Moon

Today has a weird title, because I'm feeling weird. I don't know why I'm feeling weird. I just.... Am. I have recently gotten waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayinto the old cartoon Animaniacs. And, I love to quote it and be funny and go hahahaha look at my funniness.

Animaniacs has the perfect balance of violence, educational quality, and really subtle dirty jokes. It's fucking awesome. See? I even swore online on my little blog because it's so awesome. And, I don't necessarily need to swear, but the word seemed to fit at the time. SO LOOK IT UP PEOPLE. IT'S GOOD! YEAH!

"Good night everybody!"

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Calling Captain Smartass, and her worst decisions.

I am not always the nicest person. I can get pretty mean when someone is frustrating me and I've just had enough of it, and eventually, yes, I will become the trigger happy Queen Bitch. That, happened last night. At first I was just trying to convey my point of view, and got a little frustrated because Ann wasn't listening to me. She's decided to drop out of high school and get a GED instead. Sure, yeah whatever good for you, but really, that's only impressive when you get it when you're sixteen or something around that age. At eighteen... Not so much. Basically I tried proving my point and pulled the f-bomb a couple of times, and in the end, pulled a reference to Animaniacs. This is what I said at the end, (pretty much at least) "Pray tell Ann, what is your plan? .... While we sit and watch our brain cells die one-by-one. We're dying to know." 

Witness the return of Captain Smartass. With a side of bitchyness. 
That was not my best line. Or really, best decision. I do feel bad about the last bit I wrote, but really, I could have said much worse. But, I didn't and I'm really glad that I didn't. 

However, I did take things way too far, I've been frustrated with things recently, and bothered  by others and I took it out on Ann which was not the smartest, or sanest, idea. After Kecia yelling at me over facebook and rereading my comments, I feel bad. I agree with Kecia. I took things way too far. I don't know everything and it's not my situation. I have my own situation and I guess I should focus more on that.  

I've never been the best at apologizing, mostly because I'm stubborn and don't like budging very much from my morals of what I think is right and wrong. And, if I were better at apologizing I would apologize in person, BUT Ann isn't on the Island anymore so I can't. I guess I can email her instead, and post this on her wall which is a really chickenshit way of apologizing. But, it's what I've got, and all I can do really. 

Here's off to apologizing and not being so... Er, me. Which, is going to be hard to do. Wish me luck. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Ridiculous Languages. And just people in general.

Ridiculous languages. German. Japanese. And, uhm, languages other than English. 

   See, the Germans say spangleferkel and knutschen and ja ja ja. The Japanese say hai! horahrareeechinzu! Or. . . Well, I don't know what they say. I just know that it's weird. And, er, stupid. 

Ridiculous people. People I know: Ann. People I don't know: Shewhomustnotbenamed. OKAY I do know shewhomustnotbenamed. But, I just pretend not to so I can just ignore her. NUFF SAID.

Ann. Ann stropped out of her house after she, and her parents got into a fight not so long ago. Alis and I figure she's going to come running home. She's eighteen. Okay yeah so what? She hasn't finished high school. So, uhm, she can't get a job really. My mom knows the head kitchenytypeguy at Merrill Gardens so I have a higher chance of being hired and making cashola. She's staying with Kecia and them and I highly doubt they are going to let her stay because, well, if she can't get a job she can't help for rent and groceries. Would you let someone stay with you if they wouldn't be able to pitch in and pay for junk? I would'nt. 

Shewhomustnotbenamed. Ugh. Nuff said.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

School is officially a waste of my time.

I tried, I honestly tried when I retook the Algebra End of Course exam. See, I failed freshman year when I first took it. The passing score is 400. I got 364. In January I retook it, and felt I did really well, I got my results today.....

I failed. Again. What. The. Hell. I did better sure, I got 388. But, now I have to take it again. And again and again until I pass it. Unless I pass the Geometry End of Course exam. This is bullshit. This is... This is.. This is Nazi Germany!* Now, I am really sick and tired of being sick and tired of school. Honestly, I find it a waste of my time. I never seem to be able to do particularly well in my classes, except for ones that I particularly enjoy(world history, photojournalism, etc). 

The thing that has been biting my ass in school and ruining things for me is the end of course exams. I don't know how well I did on the HSPE (the WASL under a new name) but, I hope I did better than on my retake of the Algebra EOC. This is just pointless. I sit in a class that I don't even need for what I'm going to do with my5 life. I'm going to be a florist not a rocket scientist. Which is why I'm taking personal and global finance next year. Screw Algebra, I'm going to learn how to keep track of my finances and do my taxes properly. One of my friend's sisters has her dad doing her taxes and she's twenty-four. I don't want my Mom having to do that it's not very fair. And, really, taxes shouldn't be that hard. 

School is officially a waste of my time. And really? I don't care what you think. Because you can just
Shut up I'm talking.