Tuesday, October 4, 2011

People. Stuff. Religion.

I mentioned in my last post that I'm not religious, however, it's not simply because, I want to rebel or anything like that, I couldn't keep up with it as a kid, by the time I was about thirteen and started knowing stuff about other religions the one that stood out the most was agnosticism. It was something that made sense, I couldn't keep up with religion so I decided "hey, lets sit on the fence" and I have, and I am fine, YES I BELIEVE JESUS EXSISTED!!!!!!!!!!!! Please stop hurting me....... *in the background* mwuahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

    GEOMETRY. Okay, so, I know this is waaay far away from religion but, I have to tell you a secret. So, don't go to Russia. Because if you do and you're an American the Chinese will kidnap you and take you away where they will cut out your brain and remove everything you know about geometry and then they give your brain and your body to aliens, who keep your brain but then cut up your body parts, and sell them to mad scientists. That's why you shouldn't go to Russia. 


  1. I don't want you to be a mindless follower so I am pleased that you are thinking about stuff, important stuff like religion. You will find your way and it will be your own.

  2. I would definitely advocate questioning and testing everything. Life is a journey, you're writing a story. I'd rather you write about the things you know, and have questioned, than to spout out someone else's views. Interesting post my friend. :)
