I don't know if I've mentioned last year's bomb threats at school, but they've been on my mind today so let's talk. Last year, in a bathroom stall, someone had written something down about a bomb and the school took it as a bomb threat. They went the whole nine yards with it. Police. Fire department. Everything! It happened FIVE TIMES. Five times of: lockdowns, boredom, standing outside for ages. Yeah, you'd get annoyed too. Our school fire drills are pointless. You stand around on a field for five minutes then go back inside. What on earth is the point of that? It's required by law too. I mean, what in the name of Jesus's flying novelty unicycle is the point of that? I don't get it. I understand that in the event of a real fire or real earthquake (mais oui we still "duck and cover" too.) or a real bomb threat it is a good idea to have us all know what to do. But, I think, that after doing that for let's see.... Eleven years now, I think I'm with the program. But, honestly, no one, not even me, would be calm in the event of being in a burning building. I would freak out. Like, going: "JESUS MARY AND JOSEPH! HOLY FUCK! HOLY FUCK! GET ME THE FUCK OUTTA HERE! THIS BITCH IS ON FIRE!!!". And that is no lie. I am trying not to swear. And, succeeding. But, in a fire....
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Hello there!
Now, I have been getting these really random calls from these same three numbers. I have absolutely no idea who these people are. SO, come with me, and let's find out!
The first: 5036882900
Well, it's a landline in portland, Oregon. Very helpful. I will call them back when I get home and demand answers!
The second: 7025202306
Hmmm... It's a pager in Las Vegas, Nevada. What in hell???
The third:
Uhhhh.... It's a land line... In Butte, MT.
Am I the only one really really creeped out right now? Because this is creepy.... Ah well! I have nothing better to do than blog right now because while sitting here at my desk in photojournalism, all the cameras have been checked out. Oh well! Three photos are easy peasy to take. Right?
Here we go again...
The first: 5036882900
Well, it's a landline in portland, Oregon. Very helpful. I will call them back when I get home and demand answers!
The second: 7025202306
Hmmm... It's a pager in Las Vegas, Nevada. What in hell???
The third:
Uhhhh.... It's a land line... In Butte, MT.
Am I the only one really really creeped out right now? Because this is creepy.... Ah well! I have nothing better to do than blog right now because while sitting here at my desk in photojournalism, all the cameras have been checked out. Oh well! Three photos are easy peasy to take. Right?
Here we go again...
Friday, March 23, 2012
Me. Sleeping in class. And Ramblings.
Well, first of all. Sleeping in class. I passed out in world history today. Kind of really freaking embarrassing, drooling and talking in my sleep. Mr. Femrite took it as snoring and I felt awful I was tempted to say I don't snore, it was just in coherent mumblings, but c'est la vie me being me (absolutely bonkers and a half) said nothing. I've been meaning to start writing in my diary again. Mostly because mumbling to myself when I'm home alone has become, y'know, uhm, awkward and not rad.
Rambling. I ramble. Mostly, when I get up and have to make a speech and have nothing to work off of. I improvise, and that's where things get... Well, not... Good. That's where I tend(i.e. start) to ramble. And, well that happened in english. We had to do a project describing ourselves. SOI went up unprepared and just started rambling. Before Spencer had the chance to elbow me and say: "rambling!" Mrs. Goosman got me back on topic. Thank God.
Rambling. I ramble. Mostly, when I get up and have to make a speech and have nothing to work off of. I improvise, and that's where things get... Well, not... Good. That's where I tend(i.e. start) to ramble. And, well that happened in english. We had to do a project describing ourselves. SOI went up unprepared and just started rambling. Before Spencer had the chance to elbow me and say: "rambling!" Mrs. Goosman got me back on topic. Thank God.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Ugh. Job hunting sucks. Furthermore, being sixteen sucks. I can't find any summer camp jobs that will pay me. Unless I can get some business done vis-a-vis Hayley's Beautiful Floral Blooms, but otherwise... I am so screwed. I need about five hundred dollars for the trip to Dallas. Merde. Well. I can still look, and work on a business flyer for a general all around business flyer just to advertise. It definitely helps. With an address to my blog, and pull-tabs with a phone number and blog address. See, I gots smarts. Wish me luck!
Photoshoped Photos!
My friend Mariah, took this a while back. |
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This is Aimee and Chase, again took this months ago. |
Just a random cool looking leaf. |
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My sister Alisa and her cat Callie. Turned out awesome in black and white. |
Monday, March 19, 2012
Whew! What a month!
Wow wow and wowity wow. It's been awhile since I tossed a post up on here. I'm postponing my Easter Basket sale until next year because I am just running out of time this year. I'm pretty exhausted stress wise. On a lighter note, I actually got up on time this morning. I know I know I know. You think "oh that's not such a big deal, people get up on time, every day." then I say, "you don't understand, I was out of bed at six o' five, I haven't gotten up that early on my own since sixth grade, and I'm in tenth grade now. For four years I've been getting up late." So, now you know why this is such a big deal for me. I am uber tired though, mostly because my meds drain all the blood sodium outta me and it's really annoying. So, I'm going home, and either taking a nap, or eating salt straight. HEY don't judge me, because you think you understand. When you really have no idea. Trust me, I need to eat the salt straight even if it isn't good for me. I can't help it, I need it.
So shut up, I'm talking.
So shut up, I'm talking.
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