I don't know if I've mentioned last year's bomb threats at school, but they've been on my mind today so let's talk. Last year, in a bathroom stall, someone had written something down about a bomb and the school took it as a bomb threat. They went the whole nine yards with it. Police. Fire department. Everything! It happened FIVE TIMES. Five times of: lockdowns, boredom, standing outside for ages. Yeah, you'd get annoyed too. Our school fire drills are pointless. You stand around on a field for five minutes then go back inside. What on earth is the point of that? It's required by law too. I mean, what in the name of Jesus's flying novelty unicycle is the point of that? I don't get it. I understand that in the event of a real fire or real earthquake (mais oui we still "duck and cover" too.) or a real bomb threat it is a good idea to have us all know what to do. But, I think, that after doing that for let's see.... Eleven years now, I think I'm with the program. But, honestly, no one, not even me, would be calm in the event of being in a burning building. I would freak out. Like, going: "JESUS MARY AND JOSEPH! HOLY FUCK! HOLY FUCK! GET ME THE FUCK OUTTA HERE! THIS BITCH IS ON FIRE!!!". And that is no lie. I am trying not to swear. And, succeeding. But, in a fire....
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