Thursday, June 23, 2011

I am an Inspirational Person!

I don't know how, I just know that I am, I mean, I just try to cheer people up y'know? Like, my twin brother loves this girl, and she doesn't love him back, and I just gave him some advice, simple stuff, and it helped him. Made him feel better. Crazy right? And, this saying I made up: Be inspirational! Always. It doesn't matter if it's in words, or in actions. Be yourself, and be colorful, and love, leave people who put you down behind you, and always remember the people who inspire you and help you up :)  It's just perfect for life! And so true, you can't try to be inspirational, you gotta try to help  and make your point. And that's really all you can do. But, if you try to be inspirational it never works out y'know? I mean, Jesus was inspirational, and he was inspiring because he endured so much hate and torture, and he took it without a word, all because he was standing up for his beliefs. He believed he was on Earth to spread the word of God and save us from our sins. And, he was nailed to a cross,can you even imagine how painful that was? I mean, Jesus was inspirational from that, and I'm inspiring to people because, well... I don't even know. People just find me inspiring. It could be because of what I've been through with my epilepsy and how well I've dealt with it. I mean, it sucks, but, I'm just gonna keep on truckin' and keep trying to cheer people up and let them know how much they mean to me :)


  1. btw i am not religous i just felt a lil like jesus as n being inspiring

  2. Like I told you, loved this post. A lot of people who aren't necessarily religious folk still can find inspiration in his story. :) he's def. My role model!

  3. it is a really cool story, i may not be religous but that doesnt mean i dont find inspiration in Proverbs :)
