Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Whey hey! Hey ho!

Say hello to brand new Wise Woman of the Forest! I have become a wise wise person! I am helping my friend Beth vis a vis a shy boyfriend type of problem. Now, I have another blog! For ladies (and Josh) only! It is called The Working Woman's Little Black Book. A love/relationship help guide. See, I told you I have become Wise Woman of the Forest. People are starting to take me vair vair seriously. Which is er.... Actually kind of scary. Because generally when I give people advice I am just pulling stuff out of my butt and it makes absolutely no sense because I am talking bollocks. By the way, I have been reading a bunch of books by the British author Louise Rennison. SO, I have adopted lots of British words. Like bollocks. And bugger. And 'er'. Not to mention oo-er. And 'vair' which is just from French people who are trying to speak British type English and they are trying to say 'very'. See, I also didn't know that when British type people talk about 'biscuits' they are talking about cookies. Did you know that? I sure as hell didn't. We may be descendants from England but people in England need to learn how to speak properly.