Thursday, February 16, 2012

Train tickets! Summer trip? Yes, please!

Well. I'm excited for Easter! I'm going to do an Easter basket project. And do an whatsit... Pre-order for custom Easter baskets. And you can get all sorts of little chocolate treats and candies 'n' junk. It's going to be *high pitched voice* fabulous! I'm so excited! I'm writing up the order forms and flyers today, including my email, and all the necessary information for this kin'a thing. I'm filled to the brim with excitement! Plus I'm going to meet Spencer's mom this summer. And his little sister. And, I'm paying for him and I to go with the money I earn from the Easter basket sale. And, a Mother's day gift basket. So, I'm going to be busy busy busy! So totally worth it though! So far, I have one dollar. Thanks to my friend Maddi. It's not much, but, it's a start. And, I'm hoping my friend Ann's mom will help me with this. Because, with the little chocolate treats I'm going to go down to Winco and buy a chunk of their bulk chocolate. One of white, one of dark and one of milk. And color the white chocolate treats all sorts of cute colors. Like pinks and purples and y'know Easter colors. Well, might as well get started!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Yuuuussssh! FINALLY!

I. Am. Crazy excited! I get to go to Spencer's after school and. . . Play video games. So, uhm yeah. I don't think you guys will understand it, but, I don't get to go to his house often. It's weird, I asked and mom said no. He asked and mom said: I guess so... Which in mom language is a yes. Weird huh? I think she just wants to spend time with dad alone. Y'know? Well... At least until Alisa gets home. Then, Meg and P.J. I totally admit to deciding to do her science fair project for her. Mainly because I could do a fantastic job and make it look legit and yeah. I'm going to photoshop a bee picture and all this great  shtuff. Also, I'm working on cutting down my swearing. Of course, automatically when something bad I happens I swear. I have a new phrase: Jesus, Mary and Joseph!!!! Just for when something bad happens or I get surprised and need to y'know say something before I explode from pressure. Like, from the movie Summer School when they're about to take the exam and Chainsaw screams with his arms around his head and says: "Had to. Stress breaker." It was either that or "tension breaker." That's a pretty damn good movie. See? one swear word. In this post so far. My campaign continues! I challenge you all(my dear readers and I don't know how many of you there are but, yeah. Subscribing is fine by the way. Thought you should know) to try to y'know. . . Swear... Less. I don't know how to be incredibly specific without offending someone somewhere. So now you know. :P It's fun actually. Making stuff up to say instead. Three days until I don't send in my story and mail it to New York city. On another had, I am in a fantastic mood! I explained earlier about me going to Spencer's and nothing can shatter this mood. Okay, except for the music that Janea Taylor and her group play in extreme games(It's really called team sports, but, extreme games sounds cooler) which is so repetitive I can't stand it. By repetitive I mean they won't leave the damn cd player alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They're constantly messing with it! I hate it! 
*   *   *
Wow. My little sister P.J. has a higher reading lexile than my little sister Meghann. The big thing with this, is that P.J. is eight. Meghann is ten. Wooooow. Okay the only reason I know this is because on the stupid things we have for advisory with our grades on it, they have our  parents' family access logins. And well.... see... I kin'a hacked dad's with that. I copied it down in my phone and have it just about memorized. Alisa knows it too. Oh the joys of being sixteen and erm, yeah. No. I don't even know what I'm talking about. Most people don't. At least, I don't think they do. Maybe they do. Maybe they don't. Who knows? Who cares? *excited  bouncing and yelling* School's almost over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yessss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See ya!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

I like babies!

Sooooo, it's been a LONG while since I've written up a post, and even longer since I posted on my other blog, The Working Woman's Little Black Book, I mean, I've been busy. Consumed with Photoshoping and all sorts of junk. Junk like, reading, math homework, writing. SPEAKING OF WRITING. So, there's this Scholastic Novel Writing contest. Now, the novels are due to be postmarked on the 17th. It is the 12th. I am no where near finished. I've decided to just write and write, and submit my novel next year. It's just easier on my stress levels. And boy do I have stress. I mean, I'm a teenager. I shouldn't stress out so much. But, I do. Just, 'cause... There's school stuff, like, homework, tests, and a paper that I have for history that I didnt get to finish that's due tomorrow, but, I'd rather have something rather than a big fat nothing, y'know? It's all good I guess, my paper is very very very good if I do say so myself. College level maybe. My old English teacher(he moved to Texas at the start of second semester) did say that my writing is. . . Sophisticated. That it's better than tenth grade writing. He seemed apalled at the fact, and I didn't really understand why it was a bad thing at all, I was quite confused. So, even though a good quarter of my Imperialism in the Congo: Good or Bad history paper is not.. there... I should do okay. I found two really good Wikipedia pages. Not all pages on Wikipedia are y'know legit. But, these two were FANTASTIC. There was no little: [citation needed] boxes. No, there were around thirty citations for each of the pages. I kinda copied parts of the two pages word for word onto my paper BUT, I copied the citations they had onto my bibliography so, I think I'm going to do okay on this one. I had gotten to six citations when the bell rang and I went: Jesus, Mary and Joseph I hope this ends well... Generally I will have a paper finished but, this history paper is on my top five NO top three best. Papers. I have ever written. Now, that's saying something. Because, generally I don't put too much effort into school essays but, I fucking love history. It's one of my favorite classes. I want to go on more to WW1 and WW11 but, we have a lot to cover until then. Now, I told you my old English teacher, Mr. Cupp, moved to Texas. Our new teacher Mrs. Goosman is pretty cool. The coolest thing about her is that we started our writing unit. Which I am pumped for. It's going to be great! Getting to practice my writing skills. Everyday. I'm totally rambling but, who cares? What would Jesus do? Sure 's hell not y'know keep me from rambling. This is, after all, my blog. :3